NYC Winter Jazzfest Values

Diversity & Inclusivity 

From jazz’s Black American roots has come a musical discipline that spans the globe and has grown into a plethora of genres. To celebrate this diversity, NYC Winter Jazzfest seeks to showcase musicians of all backgrounds – across race and ethnicity, gender, sexuality, bodily ability, and more – as well as all disciplines within the umbrella we call “jazz”. Our audience is similarly diverse, boasting fans avid and new, local and international, industry professionals and those who just love to listen. We believe our diversity is our strength



NYC Winter Jazzfest works to share our musical offerings in venues that are accessible – both for those with assistive mobility devices like wheelchairs and for those with other sorts of accessibility needs. This value is constantly in process as we seek to partner with accessible venues across the city. If you run a venue that is fully accessible, let us know! We’d love to chat about how we can partner for future seasons. 


Music for Social Change 

NYC Winter Jazzfest seeks to spotlight musicians whose tunes have a message beyond the auditorily pleasing or technologically excellent. The musicians we showcase take on the roots of jazz as protest music – many create music with messages of social justice, wellness, and positive change. We see jazz as not simply a cultural pastime but a call to action

Music as Medicine 

The Black American musical roots that gave rise to jazz in all its permutations has been a lifeline to many of us during the COVID-19 pandemic. We listened in our homes and it gave us sustenance, hope, and joy in our isolation. We now convene in person to share in the collective experience of listening to this enlivening music as a group. 


Feel-Good Space for All  

Winter Jazzfest is designed to be a feel-good space – a place to convene, to take pleasure in each other’s company and the music we all love. This goal is based on safety for all who take part in the event – from the performers and patrons to the staff of the venues that host us. We seek to develop a Safer Space, one in which all people feel valued and respected. The terminology “safer” is used instead of “safe” because we all have different definitions of safety. As such, and in alignment with the We Have Voice Collective, we have a zero tolerance policy for harassment of any kind. We uphold the equitable treatment of all people regardless of their various identities including race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age, ability, culture, immigration status, economic background, or religious beliefs. We ask that you join us in supporting the safety of all NYC Winter Jazzfest performers, staff, and audience members so we can do what we do best – enjoy the music.